Saturday 29 August 2020

I've been away --- I'm back!

 The end of August

Hello everyone,

I haven't posted since the beginning of June. I've had some medical problems(thankfully not Covid).

I have depression, anxiety and PTSD. The PTSD is from my marriage that ended 10 years ago but can still be triggered. That is exactly what happened and it led to social anxiety as well.

This all led me to not want to do anything except watch T.V. and sleep. I tried to make a card and it took me about 2 weeks. I had a few ideas but I couldn't just sit down and concentrate on making it for more than 5 minutes. I also couldn't go any further than the end of my driveway. When I tried to stand on the sidewalk my heart would race.

Currently my daughter is living with me and it would have been so hard to have gone through this without her. She is my angel. I finally told my best friend who knows a lot of my past and her response was perfect and put no pressure on me. She said text me if you want to talk when you're ready. She would also text me once a week and just say "Thinking of You".

The hard thing with mental illness is that nobody can look at you and see it. If somebody says "How are you doing?" it is so easy to say "Good, thanks and you?". The average person on the street walking by does not want to hear your whole story.

So thanks to my daughter, my best friend and my psychiatrist(who added some new medication), I am back again. I also watched a lot of YouTube videos during this time and Cindy-Lynn of "My Inkie Fingers" helped so much! I love her enthusiasm, knowledge and humour in her videos and when I watched them I thought that I was with a friend having a few laughs.She is a demonstrator in Canada and I encourage you to check out her out at

So now that I have posted this, I have convinced myself that I have to keep posting. I also feel like making cards again! Also, my angel, helped me to to organize my craft room and give away a lot of things and also do things like put all of my adhesives in one place so that I can find them. I can't believe how many I have -- a whole drawer worth!!! Now when I make cards, I put everything away afterward so I come in to a clean craft room every time. I know where everything is - almost lol - and I feel relaxed and happy to be there.

I didn't think that this post would be this long but it feels good to have finally done it!

If any of you ever want to talk about your depression, etc. I will be there to listen to you.

As always you can email me at

Talk to you again soon,


1 comment:

  1. Mary I feel your struggle though your words, but please know that you're an amazing person. You are kind, thoughtful, caring and so important to so many people. You are the light in my day every time I read your kind comments, knowing your personal struggle just makes me feel closer to you. I'm very moved by your post. It always amazes me to know how I affect or touch someone's life. You will always have a Stampin' friend in me. (((hugs)))
